Minangkabau Migration in Aceh during the Colonial Era: The Reconstruction of Aneuk Jamee's Identity

Minangkabau Migration in Aceh during the Colonial Era: The Reconstruction of Aneuk Jamee's Identity

The study aims to identify the history of Minangkabau migration and reconstruct the identity of Aneuk Jamee on the coast of Aceh during the colonial Era. A historical approach was used where the data taken from interviews and document analysis of of books, papers, journals, and other relevant writings, due to the limitations of primary sources. The finding showed that ever since the colonial era, there were three major waves of Minangkabau migration to Aceh. The first wave occurred in the 17th century, after Het Painans Tractaat in I 663. The second wave occurred in the I 9th century, during or after the Paderi War in Minangkabau in 1921-1937. While the third wave occurred after the 1958, Aneuk Jamee tribe emerged in Aceh along with the arrival of the Minangkabau migration to Aceh. It means guests or the children of the immigrant. They lived with the Minangkabau customs and culture they brought from their home land. But over time there has been a process of cultural assimilation between Aneuk Jamee and the local community. The assimilation process had resulted Aneuk Jamee to have their new identities. No longer declaring themselves to be Minangkabau people and not even Acehnese, they declared themselves to be Aneuk Jamee with their own language and customs.

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