Perancangan Direktori Rumah Tahfidz Berbasis Web di Kota Padang

Perancangan Direktori Rumah Tahfidz Berbasis Web di Kota Padang

Minangkabau tribe have philosophies based on Islamic law. One of its philosophies is “Adat basandi Syara’, Syara’ basandikan Kitabullah”, that means the culture and Islamic law work together, and Islamic law is based on Alquran. Padang as the main city of West Sumatra occupied by Minangkabau society has a program to make the city as hafidz city (memorizing Quran verses). The data were gathered through interview and study field. The steps to build the system are requirement analysis, designing, coding (building application), and testing. The system was built by PHP programming language and MySQL for database. The system was consisting of Content Management System (CMS) for administrator and pages for public use. The system is tested by using desktop and mobile devices through internet browsers. The result shows the availability of the system worked properly on desktop and mobile devices.

Journal Article

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Rahmi Yunita ; Fauzi ; Nabila Mukhriza

Khizanah al-Hikmah : Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearsipan



Bahasa Indonesia

