The practice of islamic education through mentoring activities and its effect on increasing worship for new students

The practice of islamic education through mentoring activities and its effect on increasing worship for new students

Mentoring is an activity carried out by a group of people, whether carried out at home, mosque, school, campus or wherever it is in the context of studying various sciences, especially Islamic religious knowledge, seriously on the basis of mutual advice This study aims to determine how influential mentoring is in improving student worship at Padang State University. The method used in this research is descriptive analytic by distributing online questionnaires. The object of this research is students who have participated in mentoring in the previous year. The number of students who became the object of research were 125 people. The results obtained by the researchers were that 97.6% of mentoring had an effect on increasing prayer, 96% of mentoring had an effect on increasing reading of the Qur'an, 71.2% of mentoring had an effect on increasing sunnah fasting, 95.2% of mentoring. able to improve religious knowledge for students, and as many as 94.4% of students want mentoring to be held again the following year.

Conference Proceedings

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Rahmi Yunita ; Rilci Kurnia Illahi ; Thuba Imam Fauzi ; Dwi Nur Umi Rahmawati


Redwhite Press


US English
