Physical, Social and Intellectual Cultural Material Collections to Interpret and Reflect Culture and the Psychological Effect on Nation’s Residents Collective Memory

Physical, Social and Intellectual Cultural Material Collections to Interpret and Reflect Culture and the Psychological Effect on Nation’s Residents Collective Memory

This study's objective is to expose museum collection management practices in West Sumatra museums that conserve the country's cultural heritage. The study concentrated on ongoing collection management activities, identified challenges, and offered solutions for the development of systematic collection management in accordance with the general guidelines for museum collection management to preserve cultural heritage. In order to create a Museum Collection Management Guide, a Museum Administration Technical Guide containing Registration and Inventory Activities, and a Collection of MasterPiece Museum Collection Catalogs in West Sumatra, this study used the 4D development research technique. According to the study's findings, there are differences between each museum's information retrieval resources since there is no standardization in the application of museum collection management, particularly in terms of collection processing methodologies. Activities related to collection management at each museum continue to be dependent on each technical officer's comprehension. To preserve the public's access to both physical and intellectual cultural material, it is vital to create standards that serve as a reference in collection management at each museum. A proportional solution was used to manage the money and human resource constraints. Academically speaking, the research findings indicate that there is a pressing need to preserve museum collections in order to maintain the continuity of the country's cultural history.

Journal Article

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Dian Hasfera ; Lailatur Rahmi ; Adriantoni ; Fadhila Nurul Husna Zalm

Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities



Bahasa Indonesia
