Transfer Pengetahuan Tradisi" Maghrib Mangaji" Dalam Budaya Kembali Ka Surau

Transfer Pengetahuan Tradisi" Maghrib Mangaji" Dalam Budaya Kembali Ka Surau

This study aims to describe the local wisdom of Minangkabau in the cultural "Kembali ka Surau." The discussion of this research is to describe the process of knowledge transfer in the tradition "Kembali ka Surau," in activities to celebrated this local wisdom. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, focusing in the interpretation of knowledge in the tradition "Kembali ka Surau", especially in activities of Maghrib Mangaji and Makan Bajamba. This study is to see knowledge transfer in the activities from tradition "Kembali ka Surau" based on the SECI Model by Nonaka. The results of this study are Maghrib Mangaji and Makan Bajamba is the local wisdom to instill characterized of Islam for the younger generation, for the younger generation as the traditional leaders to active in Islamic activities in the mosque so that this tradition should be preserved.

Conference Proceedings

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Lailatur Rahmi ; Fadhila Nurul Husna Zalm ; Sasmi Nelwati

International Conference on Local Wisdom - 2019



Bahasa Indonesia