Evolusi Layanan Referensi dan Transformasipada Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi

Evolusi Layanan Referensi dan Transformasipada Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi

This article aims to find out and analyze the development of reference services in college libraries and increase professional understanding of information about developing reference services. This research usedthe library researchmethod, where data is collected, processed, and analyzed using the library services websites available in tertiary institutions and books and literature related to the topic of discussion. The results showed that the provision and utilization of reference services of several university libraries had experienced many shifts. The change in service concept from conventional to virtual service, shows that librarians utilize technology media in providing reference services. The main change that can be seen from the application of technology in reference services is the increased availability and accessibility of electronic resources in reference services, especially in college libraries. This condition can be seen from the results of a study of several university library web pages in Indonesia.

Journal Article

My Library

Lailatur Rahmi

Turast: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian




Bahasa Indonesia

