Job Rotation Program Evaluation for Librarians at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Job Rotation Program Evaluation for Librarians at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

One of Imam Bonjol State Islamic University library efforts in improving the skills of librarians is by rotating job. Job rotation program is an important program that allows librarians to acquire new skills, increase staff productivity, develop new working relationships in all parts of the library and acquire the skills needed for future career advancement. This research aimed to find out how the rotation system worked in the university library in improving the quality of library services in terms of the library management and all services provided to users. The research is a descriptive study where data were obtained through questionnaires and interviews with some librarian and library staffs. Some users were also involved as informants to complete the data. From the evaluation results it is known that the librarian and other staffs in Imam Bonjol State Islamic University library received a good job rotation system, although there were still some librarians who thought that the purpose of the job rotation had not been achieved in certain fields. Work rotation also affected the quality of services provided to users. With the implementation of work rotation librarians acquired various skills, so that in providing services to the users and other visitors they found it easy to meet their information needs.

Conference Proceedings

My Library

Lailatur Rahmi ; Dian Hasfera

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research


Atlantis Press


US English


