Understanding Level of UIN Imam Bonjol Padang’s Lecturers towards the Privacy Policy Application Used in Academic Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period

Understanding Level of UIN Imam Bonjol Padang’s Lecturers towards the Privacy Policy Application Used in Academic Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period

This article was intended to measure UIN Imam Bonjol’s lecturers’ understanding of the privacy policy applications used for academic activities during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The need to conduct online lectures opens the opportunity for all lecturers to choose the supporting application in the lecture process freely. The existence of a privacy policy in every use of the chosen application requires understanding for prospective users of services so as not to have an adverse effect. This study used a survey research method using a data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire which was analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics. The findings of this study are, the lecturer’s awareness of privacy policy is quite high, as seen from the results of this study. Even 100% of respondents are aware of the need to protect personal data in using applications in academic activities during the Covid-19 Pandemic. However, there is a potential problem of personal data leakage from some respondents, more or less of 36.3%, who are not too concerned with the privacy policy rules, and instead do not read the policy at all. In this group of respondents, it is necessary to have guidance and socialization initiated by UIN Imam Bonjol Padang.

Journal Article

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Ahmad Taufik Hidayat ; Sudarman ; Alfurqan ; Sefri Doni

Journal of Physics: Conference Series



US English

