Publish Or Perish: Analisis Bibliometrika Terhadap Literatur tentang Covid-19 Pada Pangkalan Data Sitasi Google Cendikia Tahun 2019-2021

Publish Or Perish: Analisis Bibliometrika Terhadap Literatur tentang Covid-19 Pada Pangkalan Data Sitasi Google Cendikia Tahun 2019-2021

ABSTRACT Bibliometric analysis can provide current topic directions and future research trends. This study uses a Google Scholar database on COVID-19 from 2019-2021 which was extracted from the Publish or Perish application in one iteration. To visualize the results of the bibliometric analysis, the VOSviewer application is used. A total of 964 publications on the topic of COVID-19 were identified. Lauer et al, 2020 obtained the highest citations. But X Wang is the most influential researcher in COVID-19 research on the GS database. The most published publications on COVID-19 were MedRxiv (preprint) and the Journal of Microbiology, Immunology, and Infection, while Elsevier ranked the highest (209) as the most publisher. The term that appears the most in the title is "covid" 797 times. In the abstract, research on COVID-19 begins with the topic of “confirmed case”, “new coronavirus”, “death”, etc. then develops into “sar”, “cause”, “India”, “vaccine”, “management.” Current research trends predict an increase in the number of global publications on COVID-19. Authors from China made the most prominent contributions in this important field. Vaccines and management of COVID-19 are the topics of future research. ABSTRAK Analisis bibliometrika dapat memberikan arah topik terkini dan tren penelitian masa depan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pangkalan data Google Cendikia tentang COVID-19 dari tahun 2019-2021 yang diekstrak dari aplikasi Publish or Perish dengan satu kali iterasi. Untuk memvisualisasikan hasil analisis bibiliometrika tersebut digunakan aplikasi VOSviewer. Total 964 publikasi tentang topik COVID-19 teridentifikasi. Lauer et al, 2020 memperoleh sitasi paling tinggi. Namun X Wang merupakan peneliti yang paling berpengaruh dalam penelitian COVID-19 pada pangkalan data GC. Terbitan yang paling banyak mempublikasikan tentang COVID-19 yang paling banyak adalah MedRxiv (pra-cetak) dan Journal of Microbiology, Immunology, and Infection, sedangkan Elsevier menempati urutan tertinggi (209) sebagai penerbit terbanyak. Istilah yang paling banyak muncul pada judul, yaitu “covid” sebanyak 797 kali. Pada abstrak, penelitian tentang COVID-19 diawali dengan topik tentang “confirmed case”, “new coronavirus”, “death”, dll kemudian berkembang menjadi ‘sar”, “cause”, “India”, “vaccine”, “management.”Tren penelitian saat ini memprediksi peningkatan jumlah publikasi global tentang COVID-19. Penulis dari Cina memberikan kontribusi paling menonjol dalam bidang penting ini. Vaksin dan manajemen penanganan COVID-19 menjadi topik penelitian di masa depan. Keywords: Covid-19; SARS-Cov; bibliometrics; Google Scholar; Publish or Perish; VOSviewer

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