The Effectiveness of the Problem-based Learning- Internet Information Literacy (PBL-IIL) Model in Minimizing Plagiarism among Students

The Effectiveness of the Problem-based Learning- Internet Information Literacy (PBL-IIL) Model in Minimizing Plagiarism among Students

The purpose of the research was to identify the effectiveness of PBL-IIL model in minimazing plagiarism among students. This quantitative study was commenced with third year students (n=36) who took digital library management courses who learn using the PBL-IIL model. In this study used a plagiarism checklist.To measure the level of plagiarism, the Plagiarism Checker software was used. The result of study showed that PBL-IIL model was effective in minimizing the desire to commit plagiarism among students. From time to time there was a decrease in the desire of students to do plagiarism.

Conference Proceedings

My Library

arwendria ; Mawardi Effendi ; Ahmad Fauzan ; Darmansyah


Atlantis Press


Bahasa Indonesia

